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Vembu BDR Suite 4.2.0 Command Execution (CVE-2021-26471)

Application Details

Vembu BDR Suite is a comprehensive Backup and Disaster Recovery solution for virtual, physical, and cloud workloads, and SaaS applications.


Vembu BDR Suite could allow a remote attacker to execute an arbitrary (windows/linux) shell command in the context of the httpd process.


By placing a command in a GET request, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability using the http API located at /sgwebservice_o.php which accepts a command argument. Using this command argument an unauthenticated attacker can execute arbitrary shell commands.

GET /sgwebservice_o.php?Action=StoreSpecialFolder&command=echo hacked >/tmp/divd_was_here.txt&tempFile=/tmp


By turning this into a traffic file and matching rule, we are able to detect command execution attempts to the application.


Idappcom has created signature 8021748 along with a traffic file.


Traffic IQ

If you are concerned that your business may be at risk of this vulnerability or others why not try out our Traffic IQ software which can scan your defences and report any issues. Learn more here:


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