Application Details
Multi-language pharmacy management system (MPMS) is developed in PHP and MySQL, to assist all pharmacies with many management aspects of the business. From stock control to billing, from customer orders to storing information of all kinds. It can be used by numerous pharmacists as it includes a multi-language functionality. By deploying MPMS, it not only helps streamline operations and reduce costs by automating processes, such as ordering, billing and payment, but it also allows a set of interfaces between the pharmacy and its customers.
Multi Language-Pharmacy Management System is vulnerable to SQL injection.
A remote attacker could send specially crafted SQL statements to the login.php script using the 'email' parameter, which could allow the attacker to view, add, modify or delete information in the back-end database.
POST /dawapharma/dawapharma/login.php
PAYLOAD - email=HI@HI.COM' AND (SELECT 1029 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))FNdi) AND 'QxLg'='QxLg&password=TEST&login=
By turning this into a traffic file and matching rule, we are able to detect attempts to influence the vulnerable parameter with SQL injections.
Idappcom has created signature 8015086 along with a traffic file.
Traffic IQ
If you are concerned that your business may be at risk of this vulnerability, or others, why not try out our Traffic IQ software which can scan your defences and report any issues. Learn more here: https://www.idappcom.co.uk/traffic-iq-professional